“Whaaaat? No post about Tallinn to Helsinki?” you ask? That’s right! Being on a luxury ferry for a couple of hours is hardly enough of an adventure to dedicate a full blog post to it. You can watch the pictures below to get an impression, or read my one line report here:
We stepped on the ferry in Tallinn and then we got of in Helsinki. The WiFi was crap.
We are staying at a camp site near the city for the moment. It’s freezing here (literally, the temperature last night was -3°C) and it’s snowing and after two nights I feel like the cold is trying to take hold of my body from the inside. This morning I had to stand under a hot shower for over 20 minutes before the shivers left my body. I don’t want to sound like a little sissy so let’s just say that I’m not a big fan of freezing temperatures. On the other hand we can’t complain because we have had nothing but sunshine up until now.
Helsinki doesn’t seem to have much of an interesting history, so we decided to fill our days with chilling in the daytime and spending the evening and nights in the city getting drunk with locals. The first night we stumbled upon a nice pub in some district that wasn’t on our tourist map. Not sure how we got there but it was cool to find a place where the beer would only cost 2.50 instead of the usual 5 EUROs you would pay in the center. The next evening there was some kind of carnaval to celebrate labor day, but everybody was wearing the exact same costume, so that was a bit weird, either way we managed to have a fun evening, drinking on the docks of the harbor with Anu and Marit, who tought us the finish words “mahtava” and “mahtavaa”. The first one means awesome if you are referring to someone, and the second one means awesome if you are referring to something.
We also helped a Vietnamese women to sell some sausages from her BBQ by telling passers that they were made from pur porc meat from Vietnamese piglets that the women raised herself. They were in fact sausages from Germany, bought in Aldi, but the women didn’t seem to realize that Finish hipsters didn’t want to pay 3 EURO for it.
Len just woke up now, so we are going in the city to eat something and maybe have a couple of drinks, and tomorrow we will be off to SPB! Enjoy the pictures.
To be continued…